Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Say Hello to Your Fellow Literature Circles!

I'm proud to present Mrs. Cooley's 10H English Literature Circles for A Tale of Two Cities!

Drumroll, please...

Group 1- a.k.a "A Seperate Expectation of Two Lords" starring Rachel, Emily, Kess, Ryan, Briana, and Angela!
Group 2 - a.k.a "A Tale of Six White Girls" starring Katherine, Kaila, Katie, Peyton, Brooke, and Madison!
Group 3 - a.k.a "A Tale of Six Students" starring Mishal, Giuliana, Mikayla, Erin, Allison, and Kayleigh!
Group 4- a.k.a "A Tale of Two Turbans" starring Vincent, Ikjot, Joe, Evan, and Gabe!

Why do you need to know this?? Well...Every few days you will be reading the blog posts of the groups listed above. You will complete this task by the days labeled "Class Discussion" on the calendar.

Once you have read the posts of your fellow literature circles, you will choose TWO posts (each from different people and different groups) to respond to and comment on. What you read will be the basis for Class Discussion Days in addition to answering any questions or confusions that have come up during the reading.

*Extra Credit Opportunity*: The group with the most comments by the end of the unit will receive extra credit averaged into their quarter grade! (This will, however, be up to Miss Delach's discretion once she takes over the unit upon my leave)

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