Saturday, May 10, 2014

Imperial Illustrator - A Separate Expectation of Two Lords

                   Book Two: Chapters 4 and 5 Picture

     "Indeed, I begin to think we are not much alike in any particular, you and I" (86) 

The portrait it drew was in respect to the drinking scene in Chapter 4 of Book 2. The left half of my portrait portrays Darney, while the right half of the portrait portrays Carton. I chose to give these two identical eyes, noses, and facial structures to show how these two have physical similarities. But I also gave them different clothes, hairstyles, and eyebrows to show the social differences between the two. This helps to explain why I chose the quote I did. After a long time of hearing that he was similar to Darney, he finally broke free and suggested that they are indeed two different people. Under each of these characters' names I put an object to capture the scene. I drew shackles under Darney's name, to keep in mind his trial when observing this picture and reading the selected quote. I put a wine glass under Carton's name to remind the viewer of Carton's alcoholic influence under this scene.

1 comment:

Katherine Saslawsky said...

Ryan, I love your portrayal of Darnay vs. Carton! However I don't exactly agree with Carton "breaking free" from his association with Darnay though, he says the reason that he hates Darnay because he reminds him of himself. I think Carton will always resent Darnay because he will always resent himself - they are so similar, and Carton himself seems to have very low self esteem. Not only does he associate Darnay with himself, but he is also slightly jealous of him because it seems as if he won Lucie over. Both Darnay and Carton see Lucie as the object of their affections, and Darnay seems to have come out as the better man.