Saturday, May 10, 2014

Imperial Illustrator-A Tale of Six Students

“Tellson’s Bank by Temple Bar was an old- fashioned place, even in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty. It was small, very dark, very ugly, very incommodious.” (51)

I think that the description of Tellson’s bank sets the mood for the novel as a whole, and how people are feeling during this time period.  The old, dark building has been a place for people to gather, in order to change what is happening in the present, but it is ironic that the building itself has not changed at all, despite all of the liberal thoughts and ideas brewing inside of it. I think that Tellson’s Bank is a very important setting because it symbolizes mystery and containment, however Mr. Lorry brings a lovable charm to it, which could foreshadow that he might affect negative conflicts in the book and turn them into positives with his contagious attitude.  

1 comment:

kessychis said...

Girl, you work those drawing skills. Seriously. Just putting that out there. I also really like how it isn't in color because it just adds more to the vision of Tellson's just being a dreary and dark place.

I definitely agree with your statement that the description of the bank can be likened to the time period and what everything was like. But I think it may symbolize something deeper. I definitely agree there's some mystery around Tellson's bank and also how Mr. Lorry, someone who we are generally supposed to like, basically lives in such a dim environment. In connection to the description of the bank actually being a description of the trials of the era, maybe we could say that Mr. Lorry with Tellson's could represent the people of that time period.

Bankers usually are pretty intimidating and scary I would say in this time period. But we know Mr. Lorry isn't that way. So maybe he symbolizes the fact that the people of this time seem so bitter and depressed, full of anger and hate but that isn't who they truly are. It only seems that way because the environment they live in is so dark and dreary.