Monday, April 28, 2014

What's going on in Mrs. Cooley's English 10H Class?

We will be starting our next unit, A Tale of Two Cities, next week! This novel study will be conducted a bit differently than our other novel studies this year as you will be reading the novel in literature circles of your choice. In addition to these literature circles, you will be asked to blog and comment right here on this blog page! What will you blog and comment about? Well, you'll just have to wait and see... get excited! :-)

For the unit of study, I recommend the Oxford World's Classics edition (shown above). Since the novel is so long, this edition would allow you to take annotated notes in the margins and it also has informative footnotes on the historical background of the novel; these notes are helpful in understanding the underlying conflicts and customs of the time. If you choose to buy this edition, please purchase it by Monday, May 5th as you will get your first reading assignment on that day.